As the coronavirus pandemic has been spreading rapidly and infecting thousands of people, we need to ensure that our bodies are prepared to fight off the infection. It is very important to do whatever we can to improve our body’s defenses and strengthen our immune system. There isn’t a particular cure for Covid-19 but we can surely take some measures and strategies to strengthen our immune system to increase our chances of fighting the virus. Along with washing hands regularly there are many other steps we can take like applying Kalpana Naturals Herba Immunity Booster Roll-on.
Minimize the risk of infection by adopting the following strategies.
Sleep - An average adult needs at least 8-9 hours of sleep a day. Sleeping makes the immune system healthy. A sleep deprived person is less equipped to fight off viruses and bacteria that cause infections. Maintain a sleep schedule and fix the timings of when you wake up and when you sleep.
Exercise - Regular exercising helps improve the immune system and develop its ability to fight off infections. Activities like cycling, jogging, yoga, meditation are all great forms of exercising. It is recommended to work out at least thirty minutes a day, three days a week.
Balanced Diet - Several nutrients, especially vitamins and microelements, are crucial for the immune system to function normally. For maintaining the vitamin homeostasis in the body, it is vital to have a varied and balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables is essential for nourishing the body.
Manage Stress Levels - Stress leads to the production of the hormone called cortisol within the body. Cortisol inhibits the immune system’s ability to fight off germs that have entered the body by interfering with the white blood cell communication. Thus, it is necessary to adopt coping mechanisms to handle stress. Activities like walking in nature, regular exercise, meditation, hobbies,etc are all known to reduce stress.
Quit Smoking - Smoke from tobacco combustion contains numerous harmful chemicals, including, but not limited to, carbon monoxide, nicotine, nitrogen oxides and cadmium. Smoking has been linked to many diseases. Exposure to tobacco smoke has been considered as an important cause related to the development of brain, respiratory, cardiovascular diseases, infections and cancers.
Kalpana Naturals offers the best Herbal Ayurvedic Immunity Booster that helps boost the immune system and keep the body healthy. For both children and adults, immunity plays a key role in healthy living and fighting off infections.
Kalpana Naturals Herba Immunity Booster Roll-on is prepared using 100% natural herbal extracts and it does not contain any toxic chemicals that may impact our bodies adversely. Because of the presence of natural elements, it can be used by all age groups.
Kalpana Naturals Herba Immunity Booster Roll-on effectively boosts the immunity to fight against external disease-causing agents. This can increase the body’s ability to fight against the covid-19 virus. For every human being, immunity plays a key role which is used to protect the body and also fight against germs and bacteria that affect the body.
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